
Here’s the disclaimer that we shared with the person who messaged us in hopes that we could plan a birthday celebration for their child: we are, unfortunately, not associated with the pizza parlor at Circular Road.


is a collection of inner monologues by young adults. Created in 2020 by Singapore-based writer Sherryl Cheong, this site is a platform for sharing the experiences and musings of those who are not quite teens and not yet adults.

Here, you will find personal essays, diary entries, academic essays, and reviews — although we are mostly known for our articles about dating in modern Singapore. Through these formats, our team hopes to feature a variety of voices, personalities, and lives. The thread that ties all the contributors together would be the desire to create as well as a deep appreciation for the everyday.

As our team values transparency, we will indicate if products and experiences are gifted or media previews; we do not accept payment for brand features so as to possess autonomy over our content.


Why are some of your contributors anonymous?

The reasons vary but avoiding accountability is not one of them. It may be due to the sensitivity of the subject matter or our contributors’ personal preference of having a squeaky-clean record when you type their names into search engines. Or perhaps they wish to avoid being mistaken for moonlighting (they’re not). More often than not, it’s to ensure that their ideas and views are not perceived as that of their employers.

How can I contribute or collaborate with your team?

We’re accepting submissions for the following series:

For other queries, please drop us a message at hello@wildchild.sg.

Is there a template I can follow for your diary series?

Here is the template we use for our Money Diaries, feel free to email us your completed diary entries.

more shenanigans @wildchild.sg